A van Tuyl Chronicle

by R.L. van Tuyl & J.N.A Groenendijk


The Rhine Delta, homeland of the family Van Tuyl


An incident at the Hellow Tavern, Jan Otten Van Tuyl committed a murder and flee to America....


The three long-necked beagles with tongues hanging out, thw "wapen" of the VanTuyl family

What's in a name, the spelling of Van Tuyl (from Tuil, Van Tyle, Van Tile,

Van Tuilon, Van Tuijl, Van Thuyl).

The basketmaker Azewerus van Tuyl from Gameren celebrated his 50th anniversary  in 1923. 

My grandfather (Marius Hendrik Albert van Tuyl) moved to Herwijnen. 

My three-year old father is sitting on his knees.

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